Friday, April 3, 2009



  1. Greetings, cats of all clans. I hope all of you will come to the gathering!

  2. (chatting with leopardblaze [of thunderclan])
    how are you, i haven't seen you for a long time. do you want to sit with me?
    Mountainstorm (of mountainclan)

  3. Hello, Phoenixstar! Good to see you here! How's MountainClan?


  4. MountainClan is prospering. There are plenty of prey and water sources. The one bad thing is the damage from the storm five dawns ago. It damaged the warriors' den, but we repaired it. No one was injured.

  5. That's good to hear. I once knew a cat who had her whole litter taken by a storm. Oddly enough, five moons later she found one of the kits living with Twolegs, but it seemed to have forgotten who she was. Sad story, I know.


  6. You can now join Smokeclan! If you want to go to Im still working on making other pages like the warriors den and leaders den ect. If you know how could you comment on my page thanks. The first two people to comment to join get to be either medicine cat or Deputy!


    Ps. Im in the eastern time zone so I didn’t post this at 6:00 I posted it at 9:00
